synckun - Project Portfolio

Project: WhenFree


WhenFree is a command line based application capable of finding common time-slots among team members and schedule meetings accordingly. It also have additional features such as add/delete/edit meetings and can save the data onto hard-disk for future use.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contribution
Link : RepoSense Dashboard

1) Capability to differentiate between weeks

Before this PR, the application can only differentiate the days of the week. The input schedule would be specific to the day of the week, which then repeats every week. After the PR, the app

This enhancement is essential to effectiveness of the app. Since this enhancement made very drastic changes to the way information was stored and handled, code from most classes was analysed and reworked. Click here to view this PR.

2) Storage Component

This component is essentail to application reusability as it allows

3) Extended view of timetable

This command allows schedules to be planned ahead, which increases usability as it

4) Truncation of displayed timetable

Before this enhancement, the timetable shows the week in 30 minute blocks, thus the timetable always has the size of 7(days) by 48(blocks to fill 24 hours).

After this enhancement, if the earliest time that you are occupied in the entire week is at 10am, the week’s timetable will only display from 10am. If the latest time that you are occupied in that same week is at 2pm, that week’s timetable will also only display until 2pm.

This increases readability and navigability of app.

5) List meetings command: displays all schedule meetings that are created and stored.

6) Delete contact command: deletes the person and their saved schedule from the app and the disk.

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